Picture of blue chalkboard with FMLA Family Medical Leave Act written on it next to a stethoscope on a book and a rubber stamp on a book

New DOL Tool to Determine Eligibility for Paid Sick Leave

SLF Blog Red Stamp Displaying Paid LeaveAre you eligible for paid leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), which provides for paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave SLF Blog Picure of Chalkboard displaying FMLA Family and Medical Leave Act with a wooden plank background with medical tool and stampfor pandemic related reasons to eligible employees. As the pandemic and the need for leave continues, the Department of Labor created a new tool that helps you to determine your eligibility for paid sick leave or expanded FMLA under the FFCRA.  If you have more questions regarding the FFCRA, be sure to check our previous blogs on our website.




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