
Discrimination and complaints of discrimination in the workplace addressed in the Employee Rights Reporter, the blog provided by Sass Law Firm’s employment attorneys.

Picture of American freedom of speech people with flag

Can You Sue Your Employer for Bullying in the Workplace?

The Workplace Bullying Institute reports that 35% of working adults have reported being bullied at work, and 40% of those targeted never tell their employers according to the 2010 & 2007 U.S. Workplace Bullying Surveys.  Also, check out the 2021 WBI U.S. Workplace Bullying Survey.  Is one of them you? Currently in Florida, most bullying is legal, since “Rebecca’s Law“, […]

Can You Sue Your Employer for Bullying in the Workplace? Read More »

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Supreme Court of Florida Confirms that Only Female Humans Can Get Pregnant

Last week in Delva v. The Continental Group, Inc., the Supreme Court of Florida held that the Florida state law prohibiting employment discrimination on the basis of sex includes pregnancy discrimination.  Significantly, in support of its analysis, the Court recognized the obvious—namely that pregnancy is “a natural condition unique to females and a primary characteristic of the female

Supreme Court of Florida Confirms that Only Female Humans Can Get Pregnant Read More »

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