
Harassment and hostile work environment discussed in Employee Rights Reporter, the blog published by Sass Law Firm’s employment attorneys.

Sexual Harassment stamp on top of gavel laying across scales of justice

More Protections for Sexual Harassment Victims

This year has seen some positive changes in the law for sexual harassment victims.  Earlier this year, Congress enacted a new law prohibiting employers from requiring mandatory arbitration in sexual harassment and sexual abuse cases. Check out our blog: Sexually Harassed? Get Your Day in Court as Mandatory Arbitration is Now Illegal. Most recently, on […]

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Sexual Harassment stamp on top of gavel laying across scales of justice

Sexually Harassed? Get Your Day in Court as Mandatory Arbitration is Now Illegal

A new law now makes it illegal for an employer to force workers subjected to sexual harassment or sexual assault in the workplace to arbitrate their claims. On March 3, 2022, President Biden signed into law The Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act.  The law’s purpose is to prevent employers from

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EEOC Resources on Workplace Sexual Orientation and Transgender Discrimination

One year after the landmark decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, the EEOC launched a resource page dedicated to sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination (SOGI).  This invaluable resource explains the Bostock decision and provides an overview of information on SOGI protections for workers. The Bostock Decision As we previously blogged, in June 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court found that discrimination against employees based

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Picture of document with Families First Coronoavirus Response Act FFCRA under gavel on desk with pair of glasses, pen, and 2 binder clips

Pandemic Leave Benefits Expired, Now What?

FFCRA Leave Entitlements Expired! The pandemic leave benefits afforded to eligible workers under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, the FFCRA, officially expired December 31, 2020.  As we discussed previously in our FFCRA blogs (available here), at the onset of the pandemic, Congress enacted the FFCRA, which mandated employers to provide paid sick leave (under

Pandemic Leave Benefits Expired, Now What? Read More »

Picture of blue chalkboard with FMLA Family Medical Leave Act written on it next to a stethoscope on a book and a rubber stamp on a book

New DOL Tool to Determine Eligibility for Paid Sick Leave

Are you eligible for paid leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), which provides for paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave for pandemic related reasons to eligible employees. As the pandemic and the need for leave continues, the Department of Labor created a new tool that helps you to determine

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You Requested Paid Sick Leave Due to COVID-19 – Can Your Employer Ask All of These Questions?

The IRS is telling employers they must have certain documentation to get the tax credits for paid sick leave promised under the new Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). Therefore, if you must take FFCRA paid sick leave, your employer will likely ask you for the documentation it needs. The employer will ask for: Your

You Requested Paid Sick Leave Due to COVID-19 – Can Your Employer Ask All of These Questions? Read More »

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You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers: Your Coronavirus Paid Leave Resource

You asked and we answered! After receiving several inquiries about the new coronavirus paid leave laws, also known as the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, as a service to our community, we wanted to provide a resource for all your questions.  Be sure to check back often because we will update this as more questions

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BREAKING NEWS: Emergency Paid Sick Leave Laws in Response to the Coronavirus

With the coronavirus amid our communities and isolation and quarantine orders in place, you may have seen lots of talk about new legislation to assist workers to get paid during these uncertain times.  Wait no more! On March 18, 2020, President Trump passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which affords workers unprecedented protections, among

BREAKING NEWS: Emergency Paid Sick Leave Laws in Response to the Coronavirus Read More »

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Top FIVE Employee Rights Myths Debunked

When we consult with clients, they are often surprised to learn that common beliefs about their rights as employees are incorrect.  Here is the truth about the top five employee rights myths. I can sue for “wrongful termination.” NOT TRUE. Florida does not recognize a claim for “wrongful termination.” In Florida, employment is considered “at-will”

Top FIVE Employee Rights Myths Debunked Read More »

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Can You Sue Your Employer for Bullying in the Workplace?

The Workplace Bullying Institute reports that 35% of working adults have reported being bullied at work, and 40% of those targeted never tell their employers according to the 2010 & 2007 U.S. Workplace Bullying Surveys.  Also, check out the 2021 WBI U.S. Workplace Bullying Survey.  Is one of them you? Currently in Florida, most bullying is legal, since “Rebecca’s Law“,

Can You Sue Your Employer for Bullying in the Workplace? Read More »

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