
Whistleblowing viewed through a magnifying glass

10 Common Whistleblower Claims

Employees who blow the whistle are protected from retaliation, such as discharge, discipline, and other adverse employment actions, under federal and/or state law. Are you the victim of retaliation as a whistleblower? Here are 10 common whistleblower claims that may protect you. Florida Private Whistleblower Act: The FWA prevents employers of 10 employees or more […]

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Picture of a document titled wrongful termination on a desk next to wireframed glasses and a pen

Examples of Wrongful Termination in Florida

Wondering if you have a claim for wrongful termination? While Florida does not recognize an independent claim for wrongful termination, federal and state laws makes it unlawful to terminate employees based on the following: Discrimination/Harassment – If you believe you were terminated because of a protected characteristic recognized by federal, state or local law, this

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Picture of a man in a suit holding a whistleblower sign in front of his face

Expanded Whistleblower Protection May Be on the Horizon

In 2010, Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which created whistleblower protection for employees who exposed corporate violations of securities law.  While it seemed like a win for employees, several courts interpreted the law to mean that employees were only protected as whistleblowers if they disclosed the violations to the

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picture of a hand writing Whistleblower on a whiteboard

Florida Court Rules – Public Whistleblowers Can Recover Compensatory Damages!

On July 24, 2019, in the case of Iglesias v. City of Hialeah, the Third District Court of Appeal of Florida changed the landscape for recoverable damages in retaliation claims by public whistleblowers—state, county and/or local government employees who expose and object to illegal practices and gross mismanagement. In its text, the Florida Whistle-blower Act

Florida Court Rules – Public Whistleblowers Can Recover Compensatory Damages! Read More »

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