Labor & Employment

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Salaried Workers Rejoice – New Federal Rule Means You May Be Entitled to Overtime Starting December 1, 2016

Finally, the long-awaited changes to the federal overtime regulations have been announced, with the federal definition for overtime being hours worked over 40 hours per workweek. What does the new rule change? Now salaried employees who receive less than $47,476 annually will be entitled to overtime pay in most cases, where previously employees who received

Salaried Workers Rejoice – New Federal Rule Means You May Be Entitled to Overtime Starting December 1, 2016 Read More »

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The New Defend Trade Secrets Act – Employers Can Now Sue an Employee Under Federal Law for Taking Trade Secrets

A click of the mouse, forwarding an email, downloading a file – in just seconds you can take, copy, share, or post your employer’s confidential information, otherwise known as “trade secrets.” But be aware, those few seconds can be costly under the new federal Defend Trade Secrets Act, which became effective May 11, 2016. As

The New Defend Trade Secrets Act – Employers Can Now Sue an Employee Under Federal Law for Taking Trade Secrets Read More »

Don’t Speak English? Don’t Worry, English Speaking Only Policies in the Workplace Violate the Law

With more and more diverse and multi-lingual employees in the workplace, employers might institute a workplace rule requiring employees to speak only English in the workplace.  Be wary of these policies as they can constitute a form of national origin discrimination in violation of federal and state laws. An English-only policy will be found to

Don’t Speak English? Don’t Worry, English Speaking Only Policies in the Workplace Violate the Law Read More »

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