Leave of Absence

Leave of absence from work, including medical, military, family, pregnancy, sick and other types of leave discussed in the Employee Rights Reporter by Sass Law Firm’s employment attorneys

Picture of floating coronavirus Florida COVID-19 Liability Shield Law 2021

Employees Beware: Employer COVID-19 Liability Shield

Hoping to hold your employer liable for your exposure to COVID-19? Not so fast. COVID Liability Shield Law Passed in Florida On March 29, 2021, Governor DeSantis passed a law shielding many businesses, including educational institutions, government entities and religious institutions, from liability for COVID-19 related claims. It took immediate effect. What does this mean? […]

Employees Beware: Employer COVID-19 Liability Shield Read More »

Picture of blue chalkboard with FMLA Family Medical Leave Act written on it next to a stethoscope on a book and a rubber stamp on a book

Does your employer have a notice policy for reporting FMLA absences? You better know.

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) prohibits interference with employees’ FMLA rights as well as employer retaliation. But failure to follow every step in your employer’s FMLA policy could cause you to lose these valuable rights. For example, does your employer require you to BOTH notify it you are taking FMLA leave by calling a designated “call-off” line

Does your employer have a notice policy for reporting FMLA absences? You better know. Read More »

Picture of document with Families First Coronoavirus Response Act FFCRA under gavel on desk with pair of glasses, pen, and 2 binder clips

Pandemic Leave Benefits Expired, Now What?

FFCRA Leave Entitlements Expired! The pandemic leave benefits afforded to eligible workers under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, the FFCRA, officially expired December 31, 2020.  As we discussed previously in our FFCRA blogs (available here), at the onset of the pandemic, Congress enacted the FFCRA, which mandated employers to provide paid sick leave (under

Pandemic Leave Benefits Expired, Now What? Read More »

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With schools re-opening, am I entitled to paid leave if my kids do online learning?

Right now many school districts are requiring parents to choose between returning to traditional school and online learning this upcoming 2020-2021 school year.  However, if you are working, this choice could impact your job security. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) allows eligible employees, who cannot work (including telework) because their child(ren)’s school is

With schools re-opening, am I entitled to paid leave if my kids do online learning? Read More »

Picture of blue chalkboard with FMLA Family Medical Leave Act written on it next to a stethoscope on a book and a rubber stamp on a book

New DOL Tool to Determine Eligibility for Paid Sick Leave

Are you eligible for paid leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), which provides for paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave for pandemic related reasons to eligible employees. As the pandemic and the need for leave continues, the Department of Labor created a new tool that helps you to determine

New DOL Tool to Determine Eligibility for Paid Sick Leave Read More »

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Can I use the pandemic paid sick leave for canceled summer camp?

Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), eligible workers can take up to two weeks paid sick leave, as well as expanded paid leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), to care for children if schools or places of care are closed due to the pandemic.  To learn more about worker eligibility,

Can I use the pandemic paid sick leave for canceled summer camp? Read More »

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Five Pandemic Related Employment Claims on the Rise

With the pandemic, there are five employment claims on the rise as employers navigate the pandemic and efforts to re-open businesses.  These pandemic related employment claims range from violations of rights to expanded leave under new legislation as well as claims related to employment loss and notice and overtime under well established law. 1.  Expanded Leave

Five Pandemic Related Employment Claims on the Rise Read More »

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You Requested Paid Sick Leave Due to COVID-19 – Can Your Employer Ask All of These Questions?

The IRS is telling employers they must have certain documentation to get the tax credits for paid sick leave promised under the new Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). Therefore, if you must take FFCRA paid sick leave, your employer will likely ask you for the documentation it needs. The employer will ask for: Your

You Requested Paid Sick Leave Due to COVID-19 – Can Your Employer Ask All of These Questions? Read More »

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You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers: Your Coronavirus Paid Leave Resource

You asked and we answered! After receiving several inquiries about the new coronavirus paid leave laws, also known as the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, as a service to our community, we wanted to provide a resource for all your questions.  Be sure to check back often because we will update this as more questions

You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers: Your Coronavirus Paid Leave Resource Read More »

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