Picture of black chalk board for COBRA Consolidated Omnibus Budge Reconciliation Act COVID employer subsidy

Update on Employer Paid COBRA Subsidy

We have previously published a blog, found here, about the American Rescue Plan Act that requires employers to pay 100% subsidy of COBRA premiums for the period of April 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021 for involuntarily terminated employees who elect coverage. At the time, there were still questions that remained about ARPA. The IRS […]

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Picture of stethoscope on a health insurance form next to a calculator

Job Loss? Know Your Rights About Continuing Your Health Insurance Benefits

As we move on from last week’s blog, many employees faced with termination often ask what happens to their health insurance benefits.  Both federal and state law generally permit you to continue your current health insurance coverage at your own expense when there is a job loss. Although coverage can also be continued in other

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Picture of a man in a suit holding a cardboard box with DISMISSED printed on it

Additional Steps to Take if You Think You are About to Get Fired

Picking up from where we left off last week (see Steps to Take), just before being terminated or at the time you are being fired, you may not always remember all the right questions to ask or actions to take.  In the second part of this series, we provide additional things you can do to

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