employment reference

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Top FIVE Employee Rights Myths Debunked

When we consult with clients, they are often surprised to learn that common beliefs about their rights as employees are incorrect.  Here is the truth about the top five employee rights myths. I can sue for “wrongful termination.” NOT TRUE. Florida does not recognize a claim for “wrongful termination.” In Florida, employment is considered “at-will” […]

Top FIVE Employee Rights Myths Debunked Read More »

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References: Can my former employer talk bad about me to prospective employers?

Have you ever wondered what your previous employer can say to a prospective employer? There is a common belief that your employer is only permitted to provide dates of employment and last position held. Unfortunately, this is simply not the case. Generally, Florida law provides an employer with “qualified immunity” from damages and defamation claims for disclosing

References: Can my former employer talk bad about me to prospective employers? Read More »

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Additional Steps to Take if You Think You are About to Get Fired

Picking up from where we left off last week (see Steps to Take), just before being terminated or at the time you are being fired, you may not always remember all the right questions to ask or actions to take.  In the second part of this series, we provide additional things you can do to

Additional Steps to Take if You Think You are About to Get Fired Read More »

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