sexual harassment

Sass Law Firm Title IX Practice Area Description Picture of College soccer team consisting of intercultural guys and Caucasian girl

Title IX Updates

During the months of November and December 2022, there was a lot of activity regarding Title IX and other laws affecting students and their education. Below is a brief synopsis of proposed legislation and recent court decisions. Proposed Legislative Fix in the Wake of Cummings v. Premier Keller Rehab, PLLC Earlier this month Senators Durbin […]

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Sexual Harassment stamp on top of gavel laying across scales of justice

More Protections for Sexual Harassment Victims

This year has seen some positive changes in the law for sexual harassment victims.  Earlier this year, Congress enacted a new law prohibiting employers from requiring mandatory arbitration in sexual harassment and sexual abuse cases. Check out our blog: Sexually Harassed? Get Your Day in Court as Mandatory Arbitration is Now Illegal. Most recently, on

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Sexual Harassment stamp on top of gavel laying across scales of justice

Sexually Harassed? Get Your Day in Court as Mandatory Arbitration is Now Illegal

A new law now makes it illegal for an employer to force workers subjected to sexual harassment or sexual assault in the workplace to arbitrate their claims. On March 3, 2022, President Biden signed into law The Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act.  The law’s purpose is to prevent employers from

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