Wrongful Termination

Picture of a woman typing on laptop with social media and emojis around her hands

Can I be fired for my social media posts?

Employees can be fired for their social media posts. In Florida, most employees are employed at will. At will employment means that you can be fired for any reason unless the reason violates federal or state laws. Many people believe the First Amendment prohibits an employer from firing them because of their protected speech in […]

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Picture of 5 curtained voting booths

Can I be fired for who I vote for?

In Florida, you cannot be fired for voting, despite the fact that employment is at-will.  Employment at-will means that absent an employment contract, an employer can fire you for a good reason, a bad reason, or no reason at all.  However, there are exceptions to employment at-will. An employer cannot terminate employees for unlawful reasons—those

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Picture of a document titled wrongful termination on a desk next to wireframed glasses and a pen

Examples of Wrongful Termination in Florida

Wondering if you have a claim for wrongful termination? While Florida does not recognize an independent claim for wrongful termination, federal and state laws makes it unlawful to terminate employees based on the following: Discrimination/Harassment – If you believe you were terminated because of a protected characteristic recognized by federal, state or local law, this

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Top FIVE Employee Rights Myths Debunked

When we consult with clients, they are often surprised to learn that common beliefs about their rights as employees are incorrect.  Here is the truth about the top five employee rights myths. I can sue for “wrongful termination.” NOT TRUE. Florida does not recognize a claim for “wrongful termination.” In Florida, employment is considered “at-will”

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Additional Steps to Take if You Think You are About to Get Fired

Picking up from where we left off last week (see Steps to Take), just before being terminated or at the time you are being fired, you may not always remember all the right questions to ask or actions to take.  In the second part of this series, we provide additional things you can do to

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Picture of fired man with a box of stuff from his office

Steps to Take if You Feel You are About to Get Fired!

Feeling like you are about to get terminated or laid off? Make sure you take these recommended steps to best protect yourself: TRY TO GET A DOCUMENTED REASON FOR THE TERMINATION OR LAYOFF, IF POSSIBLE. Employers are not legally required to give you a reason for your termination or layoff. This makes it easier for

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Picture of a woman holding a cardboard box of files, bocks and a plan as she packs up her desk fired

PROVING YOUR CASE: What NOT to Take From Your Employer

If you have a legal dispute in the workplace, you may wonder how to collect the evidence you need to prove your case.  Because you typically have the burden of proving your case, and because important information usually is controlled by the employer, you may be tempted to gather information if you believe you are

PROVING YOUR CASE: What NOT to Take From Your Employer Read More »

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