Wage and Hour

Picture of man in drivers seat of car eating and working on laptop computer

I work remotely part of the time. Does my employer have to pay my travel time from home to work?

In the new age of full and partial remote work, you might be asking whether you are entitled to pay for your travel time commuting from your home office to your employer’s brick and mortar office.  The answer depends. The U.S. Department of Labor recently addressed this issue in a letter in which it opined […]

I work remotely part of the time. Does my employer have to pay my travel time from home to work? Read More »

Picture of Gavel resources court and agency decisions

Unpaid Wages Revisited: I’m Owed Wages. What Are My Rights?

Are you owed wages from your employer, especially now during these trying and uncertain times due to COVID-19? As we outlined in our June 2019 blog, you have different options for pursuing a claim against your employer for non-payment of wages.  Today, we are expanding on those rights so that employees are armed with information

Unpaid Wages Revisited: I’m Owed Wages. What Are My Rights? Read More »

image of Paid Leave stamped in red ink

BREAKING NEWS: Emergency Paid Sick Leave Laws in Response to the Coronavirus

With the coronavirus amid our communities and isolation and quarantine orders in place, you may have seen lots of talk about new legislation to assist workers to get paid during these uncertain times.  Wait no more! On March 18, 2020, President Trump passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which affords workers unprecedented protections, among

BREAKING NEWS: Emergency Paid Sick Leave Laws in Response to the Coronavirus Read More »

Picture of American flag next to a stack of money and Happy Independence Day

Are Employers Required to Pay Holidays?

As we prepare for Independence Day, questions often arise about employees’ rights to holiday pay. To learn whether you are entitled to holiday pay, keep reading for answers to common questions. You may be surprised (or not) by the law. Is an employee entitled to holiday pay? No federal or Florida law requires employers to

Are Employers Required to Pay Holidays? Read More »

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