Employee Rights

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FCRA prohibits sexual orientation and gender identity/transgender discrimination

The Florida Commission of Human Relations (FCHR) formally announced that it will accept and investigate workplace discrimination complaints based upon sexual orientation and gender identity. This unprecedented move follows last years’ U.S. Supreme Court decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia and President Biden’s recent January 20, 2021 Executive Order committing to combat sexual orientation […]

FCRA prohibits sexual orientation and gender identity/transgender discrimination Read More »

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I work remotely part of the time. Does my employer have to pay my travel time from home to work?

In the new age of full and partial remote work, you might be asking whether you are entitled to pay for your travel time commuting from your home office to your employer’s brick and mortar office.  The answer depends. The U.S. Department of Labor recently addressed this issue in a letter in which it opined

I work remotely part of the time. Does my employer have to pay my travel time from home to work? Read More »

Picture of father and daughter at home online schooling with laptop

With schools re-opening, am I entitled to paid leave if my kids do online learning?

Right now many school districts are requiring parents to choose between returning to traditional school and online learning this upcoming 2020-2021 school year.  However, if you are working, this choice could impact your job security. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) allows eligible employees, who cannot work (including telework) because their child(ren)’s school is

With schools re-opening, am I entitled to paid leave if my kids do online learning? Read More »

Picture of blue chalkboard with FMLA Family Medical Leave Act written on it next to a stethoscope on a book and a rubber stamp on a book

New DOL Tool to Determine Eligibility for Paid Sick Leave

Are you eligible for paid leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), which provides for paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave for pandemic related reasons to eligible employees. As the pandemic and the need for leave continues, the Department of Labor created a new tool that helps you to determine

New DOL Tool to Determine Eligibility for Paid Sick Leave Read More »

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Can you be fired for being gay or transgender? Supreme Court rules no!

Today, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that federal law protects LGBTQ workers from employment discrimination. In this landmark decision, the Court resolved a dispute between the lower courts on whether Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) prohibits sexual orientation discrimination.  Read the full opinion here. Title VII

Can you be fired for being gay or transgender? Supreme Court rules no! Read More »

Whistleblowing viewed through a magnifying glass

10 Common Whistleblower Claims

Employees who blow the whistle are protected from retaliation, such as discharge, discipline, and other adverse employment actions, under federal and/or state law. Are you the victim of retaliation as a whistleblower? Here are 10 common whistleblower claims that may protect you. Florida Private Whistleblower Act: The FWA prevents employers of 10 employees or more

10 Common Whistleblower Claims Read More »

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Five Pandemic Related Employment Claims on the Rise

With the pandemic, there are five employment claims on the rise as employers navigate the pandemic and efforts to re-open businesses.  These pandemic related employment claims range from violations of rights to expanded leave under new legislation as well as claims related to employment loss and notice and overtime under well established law. 1.  Expanded Leave

Five Pandemic Related Employment Claims on the Rise Read More »

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Top FIVE Employee Rights Myths Debunked

When we consult with clients, they are often surprised to learn that common beliefs about their rights as employees are incorrect.  Here is the truth about the top five employee rights myths. I can sue for “wrongful termination.” NOT TRUE. Florida does not recognize a claim for “wrongful termination.” In Florida, employment is considered “at-will”

Top FIVE Employee Rights Myths Debunked Read More »

Picture of FMLA Family Medical Leave paper on desk next to blue book and a pair of glasses

Job Protected Leave: Know Your Rights – Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA)

Our second blog on job-protected leave addresses your rights to take leave from work based on the Family and Medical Leave Act, also known as the FMLA, for medical-related reasons for you or your family. The FMLA allows you up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave  every 12 months for the  following reasons To care for your own serious

Job Protected Leave: Know Your Rights – Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) Read More »

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