Employment Law

Picture of blue chalkboard with FMLA Family Medical Leave Act written on it next to a stethoscope on a book and a rubber stamp on a book

New DOL Tool to Determine Eligibility for Paid Sick Leave

Are you eligible for paid leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), which provides for paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave for pandemic related reasons to eligible employees. As the pandemic and the need for leave continues, the Department of Labor created a new tool that helps you to determine […]

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Picture of 5 curtained voting booths

Can I be fired for who I vote for?

In Florida, you cannot be fired for voting, despite the fact that employment is at-will.  Employment at-will means that absent an employment contract, an employer can fire you for a good reason, a bad reason, or no reason at all.  However, there are exceptions to employment at-will. An employer cannot terminate employees for unlawful reasons—those

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Whistleblowing viewed through a magnifying glass

10 Common Whistleblower Claims

Employees who blow the whistle are protected from retaliation, such as discharge, discipline, and other adverse employment actions, under federal and/or state law. Are you the victim of retaliation as a whistleblower? Here are 10 common whistleblower claims that may protect you. Florida Private Whistleblower Act: The FWA prevents employers of 10 employees or more

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Picture of silhouettes of people with chalk righting in the sky above them about employee rights

Five Pandemic Related Employment Claims on the Rise

With the pandemic, there are five employment claims on the rise as employers navigate the pandemic and efforts to re-open businesses.  These pandemic related employment claims range from violations of rights to expanded leave under new legislation as well as claims related to employment loss and notice and overtime under well established law. 1.  Expanded Leave

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Picture of a document titled wrongful termination on a desk next to wireframed glasses and a pen

Examples of Wrongful Termination in Florida

Wondering if you have a claim for wrongful termination? While Florida does not recognize an independent claim for wrongful termination, federal and state laws makes it unlawful to terminate employees based on the following: Discrimination/Harassment – If you believe you were terminated because of a protected characteristic recognized by federal, state or local law, this

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Picture of microscopic coronavirus

Returning to Work After the Quarantine: What Types of Medical Certification and Testing are Permitted Under the Law?

The EEOC recently issued guidance on what information and tests employers may request from employees when they reopens their workplace doors during this pandemic. Before allowing an employee to return to work an employer may: Ask you if you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19. Take your body temperature. Ask for a doctor’s note certifying fitness

Returning to Work After the Quarantine: What Types of Medical Certification and Testing are Permitted Under the Law? Read More »

image of Paid Leave stamped in red ink

You Requested Paid Sick Leave Due to COVID-19 – Can Your Employer Ask All of These Questions?

The IRS is telling employers they must have certain documentation to get the tax credits for paid sick leave promised under the new Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). Therefore, if you must take FFCRA paid sick leave, your employer will likely ask you for the documentation it needs. The employer will ask for: Your

You Requested Paid Sick Leave Due to COVID-19 – Can Your Employer Ask All of These Questions? Read More »

picture of people in line for job center unemployment

Trouble Filing For Unemployment? You Are Not Alone!

Many people are sharing stories about the difficulty of applying for benefits as such large numbers of applicant swarm the system. Don’t give up. Keep trying. If you cannot seem to be able to get through, try applying during overnight hours. Alternatively, the Department of Economic Opportunity reported today that it will be issuing paper

Trouble Filing For Unemployment? You Are Not Alone! Read More »

image of ANY QUESTIONS? with blue outline

You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers: Your Coronavirus Paid Leave Resource

You asked and we answered! After receiving several inquiries about the new coronavirus paid leave laws, also known as the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, as a service to our community, we wanted to provide a resource for all your questions.  Be sure to check back often because we will update this as more questions

You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers: Your Coronavirus Paid Leave Resource Read More »

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